

Blake yorke
Mind Map by Blake yorke, updated more than 1 year ago
Blake yorke
Created by Blake yorke about 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Diffusion in plants
    1. Carbon dioxide gas diffuses in to the leaf
      1. Through the Stomata
        1. Finds its way to the photosynthesising cells
          1. It is then all used up
            1. Oxygen produced by photosynthesis
              1. Concentration is higher in the leaf than the surroundings
                1. It then diffuses out of the Stomata
    2. Diffusion in the cell membrane
      1. Carbon dioxide and oxygen can easily pass through the thin layer of cell membrane
        1. Cell membrane is permeable
      2. Diffusion in animals
        1. Oxygen diffuses across the thin cell walls of the alveoli of mammals
          1. Into the blood
            1. Oxygen travels around the body in the blood stream
              1. Then diffuses across membranes of respiring cells
                1. Carbon dioxide diffuses in the opposite direction
          2. Lungs have adapted to have many alveoli
            1. Thus increasing the surface area available for diffusion
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