The Glimme by Emily Rodda Illustrated by Marc McBride Concept: Character


Concept - Character
Angela Southam
Mind Map by Angela Southam, updated more than 1 year ago
Angela Southam
Created by Angela Southam about 4 years ago

Resource summary

The Glimme by Emily Rodda Illustrated by Marc McBride Concept: Character
  1. Reading and Viewing
    1. Read Chapters as a class or small groups
      1. Decode unfamiliar words
        1. Dictionary activity - search definition of unfamiliar words
          1. Language features activity about the characters - adjectives that describe the characters - Synonyms
          2. Language Features activity - Identify dependent and independent clauses
            1. Discuss phrases
            2. Text Features activity - How and why has the author has organised text? What other text features have been included? Eg: Map
            3. YouTube clip on reviews or trailers about the book/author
              1. Have multiple copies of the book
                1. Research the book and author as a class and find out any extra information: - read blurb,
                  1. Investigate how the author organises the book - chapters, images
                2. Differentiation - Teacher read, Teacher Aide read text, levelled activities
                  1. Student with learning difficulties
                  2. Explore images and why the characters have been portrayed the way they are
                    1. Examine famous artworks and how the artist portrays the character
                      1. Sequence images and explain why?
                    2. Speaking and Listening
                      1. Role Play - Act out a scene presenting the characters point of view
                        1. Students peer review
                          1. Record using iPads - review
                          2. Use language features to discus and show characters motivation, personality, fears, relationships...
                            1. Group Discussion - responding, listening to others, justifying and predicting about the main character or characters
                              1. Discuss imagery
                              2. Class/group discussions about how and why the main character changes throughout the chapters
                                1. Class/group discussions about the characters and understanding others perspectives
                                  1. Differentiation - Audio Book, Extension Activities, Critical Thinking Activities
                                    1. Student with learning difficulties
                                      1. Gifted and Talented
                                    2. Writing and Representing
                                      1. Editing Activity on the text including spelling, punctuation
                                        1. Highlight/colour code verbs, noun groups, language features about the characters
                                          1. Identify simple, complex and compound sentences
                                        2. Write an alternate Blurb
                                          1. Create a new Title for the book/chapter and explain why?
                                            1. Design a new cover and justify
                                          2. Write a Review on specific Chapter - Point of View
                                            1. Inference activity - predict what might happen next
                                              1. Sequence images
                                                1. iPads - Book Creator - insert images - write captions
                                                2. Inference activity - analyse the titles of the paintings
                                                3. Character WEB - Write about the characteristics of the main character and how he changes throughout the Chapters
                                                  1. Write a section from Characters perspective
                                                    1. Use authors descriptions to draw and label other characters
                                                    2. Differentiation - Extension activities - Personal opinion -Justification of traits of the main character - Voice to text - type text - draw images - record voice - Book Creator on iPad - Graphic Organisers - Word Wall/Chart
                                                      1. Student with learning difficulties
                                                        1. Gifted and Talented
                                                        2. Write about the main complication that the main character faced in each chapter
                                                          1. Prediction activity - Why? What? question about the characters
                                                        3. Year 5 Novel Study - 3 week unit - Traditional Quest story with magic and dragons
                                                          1. ASSESSMENT TASK: Booklet - Includes all Learning Activities and Tasks throughout the UNIT
                                                            1. Formative assessment - Teacher notes and observations will inform planning
                                                            2. Australian Curriculum (ACARA)
                                                            3. GENERAL CAPABILITIES
                                                              1. Numeracy - plot graph or create a map with co-ordinates
                                                                1. ICT - iPads - creating, recording
                                                                  1. Critical and Creative Thinking
                                                                  2. SCENARIO - Gifted and Talented - Student with learning difficulties
                                                                    1. Visual Arts
                                                                      1. The Glimme by Emily Rodda Illustrated by Marc McBride Year 5 Novel Study - Curriculum links to General Capabilities: Literacy and Critical & Creative Thinking
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