Chapter 3 - Erosion and Deposition


Physical Science Science (Chapter 3 -Erosion and Deposition) Mind Map on Chapter 3 - Erosion and Deposition, created by Mahima on 08/10/2013.
Mind Map by Mahima, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Mahima over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Chapter 3 - Erosion and Deposition
  1. Section 1 - Changing Earth's Surface
    1. Wearing Down and Building Up
      1. Mass Movement
        1. Landslides
          1. Mudflows
            1. Slump
              1. Creep
            2. Section 2 - Water Erosion
              1. Runoff and Erosion
                1. Amount of Runoff
                  1. Rills and Gullies
                    1. Streams and Rivers
                    2. Erosion by Rivers
                      1. Waterfalls
                        1. Flood Plain
                          1. Meanders
                            1. Oxbow Lakes
                            2. Deposits by Rivers
                              1. Alluvial Fans
                                1. Deltas
                                  1. Soil on Flood Plains
                                  2. Erosion and Sediment Load
                                    1. Slope
                                      1. Volume of Flow
                                        1. Streambed Shape
                                      2. Section 3 - Waves and Wind
                                        1. How Waves Form
                                          1. Erosion by Waves
                                            1. How Waves Erode
                                              1. Landforms Created by Wave Erosion
                                              2. Deposits by Waves
                                                1. Beaches
                                                  1. Spits
                                                    1. Sandbars and Barrier Beaches
                                                    2. Erosion by Wind
                                                      1. Deflation
                                                        1. Abrasion
                                                        2. Deposition by Wind
                                                          1. Sand Dunes
                                                            1. Loess Deposits
                                                          2. Section 4 - Glaciers
                                                            1. How Glaciers Form and Move
                                                              1. Continental Glaciers
                                                                1. Valley Glaciers
                                                                2. How Glaciers Shape the Land
                                                                  1. Glacial Erosion
                                                                    1. Glacial Deposition
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