Germany from 1919-39


germany's main events before WW2
Mind Map by g-jacqmin, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by g-jacqmin over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Germany from 1919-39
  1. 1919
    1. Weimar Republic formed
      1. Treaty of Versailles
        1. Spartacist uprising
        2. 1923
          1. Ruhr crisis start+end
            1. Munich Putsch-Hitler imprisoned
              1. Hyperinflation
                1. New Government under Stresemann
                  1. Hitler writes 'Mein Kampf' in prison
                  2. 1929
                    1. Young Plan
                      1. Stresemann dies
                        1. Wall Street Crash
                          1. Great Depression- 6 million unemployed
                        2. 1933
                          1. Hitler becomes chancellor and then Führer
                            1. The 'Enabling Act'
                              1. 'Law for protection of people and state'
                                1. Reichstag fire
                                2. 1936
                                  1. Berlin Olympics
                                    1. Pause in holocaust
                                  2. 1939
                                    1. Start of WW2
                                      1. Treaty with Russia
                                        1. Handicapped sterilised
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                                        Rise Of Power
                                        Germany 1918-39
                                        Cam Burke
                                        Why the Nazis Achieved Power in 1933 - essay intro/conclusion
                                        Denise Draper
                                        Hitler's Chancellorship
                                        Hitler and the Nazi Party (1919-23)
                                        Adam Collinge
                                        Weimar Revision
                                        Tom Mitchell
                                        World War II Notebook
                                        Weimar Germany 1919: The Spartacists and the constitution
                                        Chris Clayton
                                        Hitler's rise to Chancellorship Jan '33
                                        Simon Hinds
                                        Weimar Republic - Problems facing it from 1918 - 1923
                                        Kiya Bhayani
                                        Britain and World War 2
                                        Ligia Herbst