under the roof of a computor


my ict revision
Mind Map by helenaheath2209, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by helenaheath2209 almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

under the roof of a computor
  1. mouse: to move the arrow on your screen
    1. keyboard: to type things onto your screen
      1. motherboard: holds computer systems
        1. RAM: Random Access Memory: information that can be accessed quickly
          1. monitor: is the switch off/on button for the screen or it is the screan
            1. floggy disk drive: stores small information
              1. hard disk drive: can store a lot of information
                1. CPU: Central Proccessing Unit : carries instructions for the computor
                  1. a power supply: stores power that's used to change the power from the outlet into usable power for many parts of the the computer case
                    1. a fan unit: is inside the computer wich releases warm air
                      1. circuit board: connects all the computer components together everything that connects to the computer is attached to the motherboard
                        1. digital camera: stores pictures and video, takes elelctronic format instead of to film
                    2. a display device; information on the screen using text and graphics
                      1. Headphones: are/can connected to the computer, allows you to listen to the noise on the computer, the are supposed to creat good sound and quality as you listen
                        1. a sound card: allows the computer to make sound
                          1. a graphic card: what controls where all the graphis 9 pictures, videos, programmes, animation,etc) are on you computer screen
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