p-block elements


Mind Map on p-block elements, created by pandeysumit7185 on 10/12/2013.
Mind Map by pandeysumit7185, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by pandeysumit7185 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

p-block elements
  1. nitrogen family
    1. general periodic trends
      1. electronegativity
        1. ionisation enthalpy
          1. metallic and non metallic
            1. atomic volume and melting point
              1. allotropy
                1. conductivity
                  1. oxidation state
                  2. chemical properties
                    1. action of oxygen
                      1. action of oxidizing agent
                        1. action of alkalies
                          1. reactivity towards hydrogen
                            1. tendency to form hydrogen bonding
                              1. thermal stability of hydrides
                            2. preparation
                              1. DINITROGEN
                                1. AMMONIA
                                  1. NITRIC ACID
                                  2. PHOSPHORUS
                                    1. PHOSPHINE
                                      1. OXOACID OF PHOSPHORUS
                                  3. oxygen family
                                    1. periodic trend
                                      1. density
                                        1. electronegativity
                                          1. ionisation enthalpy
                                            1. melting and boiling point
                                              1. electrogain enthalpy
                                                1. metallic character
                                                  1. oxidation number
                                                    1. allotropy
                                                    2. chemical properties
                                                      1. action of oxygen
                                                        1. action of acids
                                                          1. alkalies
                                                            1. action of non-metals
                                                              1. metals
                                                            Show full summary Hide full summary


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