News Values - TV News


News Values gsce
Mind Map by lauren.christy, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by MegIsAlmostGinger almost 9 years ago
Copied by lauren.christy almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

News Values - TV News
  1. immediacy - has it happened recently?
    1. familiarity - does it mean something to us in britain?
      1. amplitude - is it a big event?
        1. Predictability - do we expect it to happen?
          1. Frequency - is it something that happened fairly quickly?
            1. unambiguity - is it clear? Are the results/effects obvious?
              1. surprise - is it rare or unexpected?
                1. continuity - has it already been defined as news?
                  1. Elite nations or persons - which country? Does it involve well-known people?
                    1. Personalisation - Is it personal or a human interest story?
                      1. Negativity - Is it a bad story?
                        1. Balance - Is it a home new story ysed to balance coverage of foreign news?
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