Different Types of Data


Mind Map on Different Types of Data, created by ajessop on 10/14/2013.
Mind Map by ajessop, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ajessop over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Different Types of Data
  1. Data: Raw facts and figures or a set of values.
    1. Data can arise is different formats for example numbers, text, still images, moving images or sound.
      1. Images: Images can be stored as bitmap or vector graphics.
        1. Numbers: Coding systems exist for different types of numbers: integers (whole numbers); real numbers (numbers with a fractional part); currency (pounds and pence); Boolean (0 or 1).
          1. Moving Images: Animations consist of images (or frames) stored together and displayed one after the other. The more frames and the smaller the change between frames, the more realistic is the effect of the animation. An animation can take up a lot of storage space.
            1. Sound: Sound has to be sampled at regular intervals. The sampling rate is the number of times that the wave is sampled for a given time period. Data compression techniques are used to reduce the amount of storage space required.
            2. Direct data capture is the collection of data for a particular purpose.
              1. Example: reading journey details from the magnetic stripe on a train ticket when a passenger enters the platform to check that the ticket is valid
              2. Indirect data capture is the collection of data as a by-product from another purpose.
                1. Example: using the collected data on journeys to calculate statistics on train use
                2. Whatever type of data being input, computers store and process data using binary numbers. A single unit in binary is called a bit which stands for binary digit.
                  1. 1 byte = 8 bits
                    1. Computer memory is measured in Bytes. One byte is made up of eight bits. One byte can store one character.
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