Curriculum development


a little mind map for curriculum development
Francisco Del Mu
Mind Map by Francisco Del Mu, updated more than 1 year ago
Francisco Del Mu
Created by Francisco Del Mu almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Curriculum development
  1. Needs
    1. Society's needs
      1. Unesco's four pillar of education
        1. Learn to be
          1. Learning to live together
            1. learn to know
              1. Learning to do
            2. student's needs
              1. Physcal
                1. emotional
                  1. social
                    1. Cognitive
                    2. School's needs
                      1. staff
                        1. Teachers
                          1. Administrative
                            1. maintenence
                            2. infraestructure
                              1. Facilities
                                1. Teaching materials
                                  1. equipment
                                    1. furniture
                                2. theorical framework
                                  1. for who
                                    1. people
                                      1. ages
                                    2. what
                                      1. LEVEL
                                        1. Subjects
                                          1. Syllabus
                                            1. subject (topic)
                                              1. schedule
                                                1. procedure
                                                  1. evaluation
                                            2. where
                                              1. society
                                              2. why
                                                1. reasons
                                                2. goals
                                                  1. how
                                                    1. srategies
                                                      1. attitudes
                                                        1. methodology
                                                    2. Managment
                                                      1. hierarchy
                                                        1. accounting
                                                          1. paperwork
                                                          2. factors
                                                            1. economic
                                                              1. location
                                                                1. human
                                                                  1. profile
                                                                    1. students
                                                                      1. teachers
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