Second Language Acquisition Processes and Theories


Mind Map of Second Language Acquisition Processes and Theories.
Mind Map by kcr0018, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by kcr0018 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Second Language Acquisition Processes and Theories
  1. Jim Cummins
    1. Theory 1: BICS- Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills - A student picks up fluency and phenology of the English language fairly quickly.
      1. Classroom Application: Students who do not speak English will pick up communication skills from conversation between him/her and classmates and/or myself.
      2. Theory 2: CALP- Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency- It can take a student 5-7 years to reach academic language proficiency such as catching up in reading skills and writing skills in the English language.
        1. Classroom Application: I will have the students read extensively. When I have the kids wanting to read they will have access to the kind of language they need for academic success. Reading and writing are both critical parts to learning the language academically.
      3. Noam Chomsky
        1. Theory: Universal Grammar- All human language rests on building blocks of expression that can have their own unique features, but they all use verbs, nouns, and adjectives.
          1. Classroom Application: I will focus on the importance of verbs, nouns, and adjectives in class especially for students who do not know English well.
        2. Stephen Krashen
          1. Theory:-All students learn language in the same way. -We acquire language in one way and only one way when we understand messages- comprehensible input. Talking is not practicing.
                1. Classroom Application: When I have students that speak a different language I will help students understand English by incorporating pictures/drawings in the lecture.
                  1. Theory: The Affective Filter Hypothesis- A barrier that prevents students from absorbing the target language and from taking risks in it. If a student is bored, confused, or anxious, then the student doesn't absorb the teacher's input. If the student is comfortable, relaxed, and motivated, the students will absorb more of the teacher's linguistic input.
                    1. Classroom Application: If I explain the assignment in depth and give an example of the assignment as well, I will be lowering the affective filter and creating a more comfortable learning environment for the students.
                    2. Eric Lenneberg
                      1. Theory: Critical Period Hypothesis- Second language is best learned between the age of 2 and puberty. The ability to learn language is negatively affected by the completion process of lateralization (when each side of the brain develops its own specialized functions) which is completed by puberty.
                        1. Classroom Application: A teacher in a younger classroom setting (before the students reach puberty) will be able to incorporate a second language for the students; doing so will allow the students to truly learn the second language.
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