SAB6#1 _Definition_of_a_Project


Mind Map on SAB6#1 _Definition_of_a_Project, created by Reyna Carbajal on 30/05/2015.
Reyna Carbajal
Mind Map by Reyna Carbajal, updated more than 1 year ago
Reyna Carbajal
Created by Reyna Carbajal over 9 years ago

Resource summary

SAB6#1 _Definition_of_a_Project
  1. Definition: A project is a temporaly endeavor to create a unique product, service,or result.
    1. Involved in a project?
      1. Beginning: Start date
        1. End: Is reached when the project´s objectives have been achieved.
        2. Impacts: Social,Economic,Environmental
          1. A project
            1. Why projects come from?
              1. Need : Business or market
            2. What a project is NOT: Interviews, Working together
              1. And What a Project is NOT
              2. It may be: Tangible, Intangible
                1. A project can create: A Product, A service, An Improvement and A Result
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