Elizabeth I


was she a successful or not?
keke d
Mind Map by keke d, updated more than 1 year ago
keke d
Created by keke d over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Elizabeth I
  1. FOR
    1. She reigned for 45 years
      1. She made an amazing speech before the Spanish armada
        1. she let the catholics live even though she was a protestant wich means more people got to live
          1. she prved that she could be a strong leader without a husband
            1. The Spanish was beaten when they attacked the english
            2. AGAINST
              1. The Spanish threatened her throughout her reign
                1. She murdered her cousin Mary Queen of scots
                  1. she never produced an heir
                    1. Throughout her reign there was a massive number of poor people
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                    Timeline (1485-1603)
                    Aimee Gray
                    England's Political Change
                    Erin Harrison
                    Catholic vs Puritan Threat
                    Katie Difford
                    Monopolies Crisis 1601
                    Katie Difford
                    Elizabethan England 1558-1603
                    G R
                    Spanish Armada
                    Katie Difford
                    Timeline (1485-1603)
                    Sharen Rojy
                    Written on a Window Frame at Woodstock
                    Elizabeth's relations with Spain/Netherlands
                    rosie jones
                    On Monsieur's Departure
                    How successful was foreign policy? (1588-1603)
                    Katie Difford