Ch -1 Characteristics of living things


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Naisha Kallepalli
Mind Map by Naisha Kallepalli, updated more than 1 year ago
Naisha Kallepalli
Created by Naisha Kallepalli about 3 years ago

Resource summary

Ch -1 Characteristics of living things
  1. Living and and never lived


    • If something is called a living thing it must have the seven characteristics features of life
    • The seven characteristics features of life: Feeding  Respiration Reproduction Movement  Excretion Growth Irritability
    1. Seven characteristics features of life


      • Nutrition: The taking in of food containing the nutrients, processing it and absorbing the nutrients is called nutrition. Living things need food. Plants make their own food and animals get their food from other living things. Every animal has a mouth adapted for the animal to feed in a particular way
      • Respiration:  Respiration is the process in which energy is released from food. It takes place in both animals and plants . Its a chemical reaction. Word equation: Glucose + oxygen + carbon dioxide + water
      • Movement:  Movement is the change of the position of parts in an organism or change in the location of the whole organism.
      • Irritability: Animals sense and detect things in their surroundings using their sense organs These are the skin, eyes, ears, tongue and nose
      • Growth: Increase in size or mass of the organism due to an increase in cell number or cell size or both is called growth
      • Excretion: The body has a way of getting rid of its harmful wastes. This process is called excretion. Wastes are released in urine, sweat and air that we breath out.
      • Reproduction: Reproduction is the process that keeps a plant or animal species in existence.
      1. Plant life


        • Plants make their own food from carbon dioxide, water, by energy from the sunlight and chemicals from the soil.  Plant cells respire gaseous exchange occurs through the leaves.  They move as they grow. They grow towards the sun as the are sensitive to it. They reproduce by making seeds or spores or by making copies of themselves called plantlets.
        1. Testing for carbon dioxide


          • Lime water: When carbon dioxide reacts with the calcium hydroxide in limewater, the lime water turns white or milky
          • Hydrogen Carbonate indicator: Hydrogen carbonate indicator is a liquid that changes color in the presence of carbon dioxide. It changes from an orange-red color to yellow
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