Jane Goodall


Sumayya Shaikh Jane Goodall. (2013). The Biography Channel website. Retrieved Oct 22, 2013, from http://www.biography.com/people/jane-goodall-9542363.
Mind Map by sumayya_21, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sumayya_21 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Jane Goodall
  1. Early Life
    1. Born on April 3rd, 1934
      1. Raised in London, England
        1. Fascinated by animals and wildlife
    2. Studies and Employment
      1. Uplands Private School - 1952
        1. Secretary at Oxford University
          1. Visited Kenya and met Louis Leakey
            1. Hired as Leakey's assistant
      2. Research
        1. Sent to study the vervet monkey in Lake Victoria
            1. July 16, 1960- Established a camp at Lake Tanganyika in the Gombe Stream Reserve (Africa).
              1. Within a year of consistent visits to the primates (behaving like the apes and gifting food), they became comfortable with her
          1. Discoveries
            1. Apes have a "language" system with 20+ individual sounds
                1. They hunt and eat meat, not only plants
                  1. Make and use tools
                    1. Throw stones as weapons
                      1. Use touch and embrace to comfort each other
                        1. Develop long-term familial bonds
                          1. Males do not play an active role in family life
                            1. Dominant males are ranked at the top, related to the intensity of their entrance at gatherings
              1. Published Work
                1. Seeds of Hope: Wisdom and Wonder from the Plants
                  1. 2013
                  2. The Chimpanzee Family Book
                    1. 1989
                    2. In the Shadow of Man
                      1. 1971
                      2. Through a Window
                        1. 1990
                      3. My Thoughts on Primates
                        1. Instead of all humans evolving from apes, it is possible that humans and apes evolved from humanoids
                          1. Based on climate and geographical area, evolution varried
                            1. Some developed gripping hands and feet to climb trees (and other ape-like characteristics)
                              1. Some developed larger craniums and intelligence (and other human-like characteristics)
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