Marc Chagall


Year 7 Art Mind Map on Marc Chagall, created by jetaylor18 on 22/10/2013.
Mind Map by jetaylor18, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jetaylor18 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Marc Chagall
  1. He was a Hasidic Jew
    1. Hasidic Jews care for land and animals
      1. Land and animals are highly respected.
      2. Liked to use surrealism, fuavism and cubism.
        1. Cubism is using a lot of different shapes to create art.
          1. Surrealism is making almost dream like and surreal art.
            1. Fauvism is using unusual colour to create art.
              1. Colours-bold,vivid,unrealistic
            2. Had 8 brothers and sisters
              1. Grew up in a small town called Liozna in Belarus
                1. Was at that time part of the Russian Empire.
              2. Moved to Paris and became a famous artist
                1. He painted walls, ceilings, stained glass windows and props for plays
                2. he liked to play with scale
                  1. Things far away then close up or upside down.
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