Past simple


Past simple
Priscila Rojas
Mind Map by Priscila Rojas, updated more than 1 year ago
Priscila Rojas
Created by Priscila Rojas over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Past simple
    1. Subject + verb in past + complement + time expression
      1. Subject + didn´t + verb in base form + C + TE
        1. Did + Subject + Verb BF + C + TE
        2. USES
          1. Past events
            1. Activities that started in the past and finished in the past
          2. Time expressions
            1. 1 hour / 2 days / 3 weeks / 4 months / 6 years; ago
              1. yesterday / yesterday morning / afternoon / night
                1. in March / in 2018
                  1. Last: hour/ day/ week/ month / year / holiday
                    1. When + Sentence: When I was born
                      1. When I was 10 years old
                      2. On Sunday / Friday
                      3. Examples
                        1. Sara walked into the room and saw her sister
                          1. Sara didn´t walk into the room and didn´t see her sister
                            1. Did Sara walk into the room and see her sister?
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