

College Credit English (English) Mind Map on Characterization, created by Niat Habtemariam on 25/10/2013.
Niat Habtemariam
Mind Map by Niat Habtemariam, updated more than 1 year ago
Niat Habtemariam
Created by Niat Habtemariam over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Physical Appearance
    1. Ex. Charcter wears unmatched socks and stained shirts
      1. Lazy/ Poor Charcter
      2. Ex. Charcter always smiling and making eye contact with others
        1. Outgoing, Sociable, Kind Character
      3. Speech, Thoughts, and Actions
        1. Ex. Character speaks so quietly that others can’t hear
          1. Shy, Insecure Character
          2. Ex. Character repeatedly misses softball practice without telling the coach
            1. Irresponsible, Careless Character
          3. Presentation to Other Characters
            1. Ex. Character’s girlfriend describes him as a “no-good lying jerk”
              1. Untruthful, Disrespectful Character
              2. Ex. People often confide their troubles to a character
                1. Wise, Respected Character
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