The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas


By: Catalina Vargas López
Catalina Vargas Lopez
Mind Map by Catalina Vargas Lopez, updated more than 1 year ago
Catalina Vargas Lopez
Created by Catalina Vargas Lopez over 3 years ago

Resource summary

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
  1. Berlin
    1. Father's promotion
      1. To move
        1. Countryside
      2. "Out With"
        1. Farm
          1. Work camp
          2. Work camp
            1. Jews
              1. To work hard
                1. Striped pyjamas
              2. Friendship
                1. Bruno's walk
                  1. To explore
                    1. To meet Shmuel
                    2. Loyal friendship
                        1. "Jews are enemies"
                      2. Plan
                        1. Shmuel's father
                          1. Bruno
                            1. A spade
                              1. To cross the fence
                              2. Shmuel
                                1. Extra set of pyjamas
                              3. The end
                                1. Cabin
                                  1. "To take a bath"
                                    1. A gas cabin
                                    2. Death
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