

nothing really
Mind Map by leaj341, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by leaj341 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Kindergarden
    1. This is where I made many of my closest friends, it started many important relationships.
    2. French Immersion Transfer
      1. In grade 4, I began French Immersion at a brand new school, this was not only hard socially but academically as well, for obvious reasons.
      2. Moving to Hamilton
        1. At the end of grade 5 I moved to Hamilton, which was very very hard on me. I left people I'd known for almost my whole life , for a place I knew nothing about.
        2. Getting My Ipod
          1. In grade 7 I FINALLY got a proper electronic, in the form of an Ipod Touch it felt so good. I was being given proper freedom and trust! When you're a teenager thats all you really want.
          2. Highschool
            1. This is for obvious reasons but it was a big change, you are surround by 5x more people all older then you. For me I was also switching boards and saying goodbye to lots of friends.
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