

Hello Guys! The Mind Map you can see is about my Idea I have. It's about a Music-Sharing Platform and I would really appreciate if someone wants to join or can bring this Idea/Project forward will text Me! This is only an Idea!!! So if you are interested to connect the World and the Music, send me an E-Mail at: adreanocalianno@gmail.com Hope one day we'll see this not only as an Idea! Share It!!! It needs people who are Interested!
Mind Map by adreanocalianno, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by adreanocalianno about 9 years ago

Resource summary



  • To-Do-List: -Need to find a programmer for the Platform and Mobile App. -Web Designer for the Platform. -Person with contact to some Companies. -Person with marketing experience. -Investor 
  1. Map Integration
    1. Contract with Google?
    2. Free Music
      1. 50% turnover goes to the Artist
        1. foreground n.1: People connect together and find new music
      2. Live Positioning


        • Contract with some Companys to finance this
        1. World Overview, something like Charts
          1. Every Country with his own Charts in every Genre
        2. Mobile App


          • IOS Android ETC.
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