Module 4 Study Guide: Chapters 29-31


Module 4 Study Guide: Chapters 29-31
Mind Map by txbosticks, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by txbosticks about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Module 4 Study Guide: Chapters 29-31
  1. Chapter 29
    1. Negotiating White Power Activist Stigma
      1. Aryan Stigma, Dissonance, and Expressive Balance
        1. White Power Movement
          1. Covert
            1. Calculated Conformity
          2. Method and Data
            1. Ethnographic data - White power activists between 1996 and 2005
              1. Interviews, participant observation and content analysis
              2. Negotiating Activist Stigma in Everyday Settings
                1. Responses to Conformity Pressures of Family and Friends
                  1. Leading a double life
                    1. Strategic Silence
                      1. Selective Disclosure
                      2. Managing Expressive Constraints at Work and School
                        1. Avoiding others
                          1. False fronts
                            1. Strategic Silence
                            2. Active and Passive Identity Displays in Public
                              1. Decide how much of themselves to reveal in public
                                1. Passive Displays
                                  1. Restraint
                                  2. Active Displays
                                    1. Open displays - courage
                                    2. Public legitimation
                                      1. Organizational Strategy
                                2. Chapter 30
                                  1. Fitting In and Fighting Back: Homeless Kids' Stigma Management Strategies
                                    1. Research Site
                                      1. Sand Francisco: Home Away from Home / Homeless Shelter
                                      2. Stigma Management Strategies
                                        1. Stigma = language of relationships as opposed to the attributes a person possesses
                                        2. Strategies of Inclusion
                                          1. Forging friendships
                                            1. Passing
                                              1. Make stigma invisible
                                              2. Covering
                                                1. Minimize the prominence of their spoiled identity
                                              3. Strategies of Exclusion
                                                1. Verbal Denigration
                                                  1. Malign others to augment their self-esteem
                                                    1. "Defensive othering"
                                                  2. Physical Posturing
                                                    1. Physical assertiveness
                                                    2. Sexual Posturing
                                                      1. Promiscuity
                                                        1. Exploitation
                                                          1. Violence
                                                    3. Chapter 31
                                                      1. Collective Stigma Management and Shame: Avowal, Management, and Contestation
                                                        1. Three Stigma Management Groups
                                                          1. Overeaters Anonymous (OA)
                                                            1. Weight Watchers (WW)
                                                              1. National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance (NAAFA)
                                                                1. "Women's Organizations"
                                                                  1. Analysis of shame
                                                                2. Data Collection, Embarrassment and Shame
                                                                  1. Gained 25 lbs for "fat identiy"
                                                                  2. Organizational Frames
                                                                    1. Definitions constructed and maintained by organizational actors within which experience, interaction and communication are structured and rendered both personally and organizationally meaningful
                                                                      1. Organizational Frame of OA: Redemption
                                                                        1. Spiritual Consciousness - therapeutic group process
                                                                          1. Serenity prayer
                                                                          2. Organizational Frame of NAAFA: Activism
                                                                            1. Legislature, rallies
                                                                              1. Personal Activism
                                                                                1. Legislative Activism
                                                                                2. Organizational Frame of WW: Rationality
                                                                                  1. Technique, not spiritual practice
                                                                                    1. Pre-established activities / meal plans / portion control
                                                                                  2. Shame Work
                                                                                    1. Shame Work in OA
                                                                                      1. compulsive overeating and resultant body size
                                                                                        1. Primary Shame
                                                                                          1. social / invoked by others
                                                                                          2. Secondary Shame
                                                                                            1. physical actions / attribues
                                                                                          3. Shame Work in WW
                                                                                            1. Body shame
                                                                                              1. Central to women
                                                                                              2. Bodily Monitoring
                                                                                              3. Shame Work in NAAFA
                                                                                                1. Contest shame
                                                                                                  1. "Change the world, not your body"
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