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Fractional distillation of crude oil
Cambridge IGCSE Science (Chemistry 1) Mind Map on Fractional distillation of crude oil, created by Harry Knapaman on 10/30/2013.
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chemistry 1
chemistry 1
cambridge igcse
Mind Map by
Harry Knapaman
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Harry Knapaman
over 11 years ago
Resource summary
Fractional distillation of crude oil
Crude oil is a mixture of lots of different hydrocarbons
The substances in crude oil can be separated by the process called FRANCTIONAL DISTILLATION
Coal, crude oil and gas are all fossil fuels
fossil fuels are made from dead plants and animals that are buried for millions of years
This is what happens during fractional distillation
The oil is heated until most of its has turned into gas
The gasses enter a tall tower called fractionating column
In the column its hot at the bottom and gets hotter as you go up the column.
Hydrocarbons with high boiling points leave the column near the bottom
You end up with the crude oil mixture separated out into groups of hydrocarbons
These groups are called fractions
Each fractions contains a mixture of hydrocarbons with smaller boiling points
The separated fractions are much more useful than crude oil.
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