Operations Management Function 


Mind Map on Operations Management Function , created by mollyjones on 12/09/2015.
Mind Map by mollyjones, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mollyjones about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Operations Management Function 
  1. Operations system
    1. Inputs
      1. Resources such as raw materials, labour, plant, equipment, capital, information used in any organisational production system
      2. Transformation
        1. The process involved in converting inputs into outputs
          1. The operations process and systems will vary according to the
            1. - Type of goods and services being produced - Size of the organisation - Number, quality and availability of resources
        2. Outputs
          1. Transformed inputs that are returned to the external environment as products or services
        3. Productivity
          1. Productivity is a measure of the functioning and efficiency of a production system; the level of output obtained from a set level of input
            1. Factors determining organisational productivity
              1. Technology levels, Research and development, Equipment and facilities, Layout of facilities, Communications processes or Workplace safety
            2. The Productivity Objective
              1. The primary aim of the operations manager is to enhance operational efficiency and productivity.
                1. Productivity P - Outputs / Inputs 
              2. Examples of productivity measures
                1. Units of production produced per employee. - Number of clients attended to per hour or per unit of wage cost. - Number of units produced per unit of money.
              3. Management of resources to achieve efficient output of goods or services
                1. Operations and business objectives
                  1. Organisations try to be efficient and competitive and operations is how they can achieve this - Operations can influence the quality, cost and availability of an organisations goods or services. It therefore has a direct impact on them achieving their objectives
                  2. Difference between Goods and Services:
                    1. Goods are tangible, production and consumption occur separately, can be stored as inventory, PRODUCED.
                      1. Services are intangible, production and consumption occurs concurrently/simultaneously, difficult to store, PERFORMED.
                      2. Competivieness
                        1. An organisation's ability to match or better its rivals in a given market.
                          1. Competitive edge
                            1. Competitive edge refers to the advantage or advantages that an organisation may have over another organisation as a result of an aspect of the organisation being superior to the other.
                            2. Competitive advantage
                              1. Competitive advantage refers to the beneficial position a business finds itself in relative to its competitors as a result of being superior in some aspect of the organisation's functioning.
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