5 Big Ideas


Big Idea 1
Karen Bishop
Mind Map by Karen Bishop, updated more than 1 year ago
Karen Bishop
Created by Karen Bishop about 3 years ago

Resource summary

5 Big Ideas
  1. Is This a Good Source?
    1. https://alex.state.al.us/learningasset_view.php?asset_id=1951&res_id=1951&res_type=LA
      1. Students will discuss the question - How do you know if a website is credible? - watch a video, and complete a checklist to evaluate a website to determine if it is a good source.
        1. This activity can be used when students are doing research or a project in which they use the Internet to gather information, and will help students become more aware of the importance of evaluating sources. This activity will also help students determine whether a source is credible and appropriate for the topic they are researching.
        2. Application: this could be used with any type of research project to teach students how to evaluate sources to determine if they are reliable.
        3. Problem Solving the Decision to End World War II with the Atomic Bomb
          1. Application: This activity teaches critical thinking and can be used in many subject areas to evaluate a problem.
            1. Students will use De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats, a problem-solving process, to discuss and evaluate the United States’ decision to use atomic weapons on Japan during World War II. This activity will allow students to think critically about this big decision while looking at it through many perspectives. By the end of this activity, the students will come to a decision as to what they would have done if they had to make this difficult decision.
              1. https://alex.state.al.us/learningasset_view.php?asset_id=1915&res_id=1915&res_type=LA
              2. Story Mapping
                1. The teacher will display a story map and explain its purpose. The teacher will review the different elements of a story with the students to ensure understanding. Students will read the short story "Eleven" by Sandra Cisneros and complete the story map together as a class. The teacher will highlight important textual details that are needed for the story map. Students will then be able to complete a story map on their own.
                  1. https://iowareadingresearch.org/tags/story-map
                    1. Application: this can be used to ensure comprehension of short stories and novels. It is a tool to help students read and analyze literature.
                    2. Writing Portfolio
                      1. This would consist of a collection of student writing over a period of time. It could include several genres, as well student responses to literature. Students would maintain this portfolio electronically. Students will be provided a portfolio checklist for each piece so they can set goals for their writing, and then reflect on what they have accomplished.
                        1. Application: Writing portfolios would be built into the course syllabus. Pieces to include in the portfolio could be chosen by the student or teacher, or they could be selected together. Student portfolios allow teachers to measure student growth over time.
                        2. Demonstrative Speech
                          1. Students will prepare a 3 to 4 minute speech that explains how to do something that they will present to the class. This is an opportunity for students to share something they are good at. The teacher will present an outline for the speech. Before presenting the speech, the students will have an opportunity to practice presenting in groups of 2. Students will provide each other with feedback.
                            1. Application: This is a common type of speech. Because it involves something the student already knows, it is a good introduction to giving a speech. This will help students develop their speaking skills.
                            2. Listening to Podcasts
                              1. Application: these can be used in any area - science, math, literature. Additionally, they can be as short as 5 minutes, so they can supplment other activities.
                                1. Podcasts help students develop their listening skills. The teacher will play the selected podcast and students will complete a podcast response sheet that summarizes key points, what the student learned, and whether they would recommend the podcast. The teacher can review these sheets to determine if the students understood.
                                  1. https://www.cultofpedagogy.com/educational-podcasts-for-kids/
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