Earth Science


Earth Science
Bea Wilding
Mind Map by Bea Wilding, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by arigrace1234 over 8 years ago
Bea Wilding
Copied by Bea Wilding over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Earth Science
  1. Earth Layers
    1. The Crust
      1. Line layer we live on. 2 main types- Old (continential) and new (oceanic)
        1. the continential is lighter and always rides above oceanic, when they collide
          1. When plates collide the oceanic goes under and remelts- trenches volcanoes.
            1. Oceanic+Continental plate.
            2. Inner Core, Outer Core, Mantle, and Crust
              1. Inner Core- Densese
            3. New Oceanic Plate Forming
              1. Hot mantle rising.
                1. Spread the existing oceanic plate
                  1. Mantle rock melts (less pressure) forms new plate
                  2. Words needed for plate tectonics
                    1. Plate Tectoincs
                      1. Name for theory of earth being made of moving segments
                      2. Continental Drift
                        1. Theory on main old continental plates drifting
                        2. Subduction Zone
                          1. When a continental plate meets and oceanic. Oceanic drives under and remelts
                        3. Volcanoes
                          1. In NZ this would been the most well known activity associated with plate boundaries
                            1. Types
                              1. COMPOSITE
                                1. -Explosive
                                  1. Sea Water is pushed down when the Oceanic Plate is subducted, causing it to be more explosive
                                  2. Andesitic Magma
                                    1. Created at destructive Plate Boundaries
                                      1. They have Pyroclastic Flow
                                        1. Steep Sides - built up due to viscous lava
                                        2. SHEILD
                                        3. How Are They Formed?
                                          1. Shield Volcanoes are formed via plates being pushed apart (constructive plate boundaries) and magma sticking bto either side of the plate is gradually built up causing a shield volcano.
                                            1. Composite volcanos are formed at Destructive Plate Boundaries where the oceanic Plate is subducted by the Continental Plate, this then means that it melts and rises as Magma, slowly- because it can't find a way to get out easily so it builds up- this means that it doe not explode often. It goes through the gap in the pate and forms a volcano. However, due to sea water being pushed down by with the Oceanic plate the Volcano is very dangerous
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