Gcse Home Economics: Child Development


Ocr Gcse Home Economics: Child Development topics
Mind Map by aleksandraroszkowska, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by roisinxx almost 9 years ago
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Copied by aleksandraroszkowska almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Gcse Home Economics: Child Development
  1. Family and Parenthood
    1. Types of families
      1. Nuclear family
        1. Parents and children live together in the home. Contact with other family members is limited.
        2. Extended family
          1. Parents and children live with, or near, relatives like grandparents, aunts uncles and cousins
          2. Step family
            1. Parents and children live together in the home. Contact with other family members is limited.
            2. A single-Parent Family
              1. Can be the result of: divorce, the death of a parent, an absent parent, a surrogacy arrange.
              2. Shared Care family
                1. Children live in two households and spend time with both parents.
                2. Adoptive family
                  1. Adoptive Parents provide a permanent home for babies and older children. A court gives them the same legal rights and responsibilities as birth parents.
                    1. Reasons for adopting include: Infertility, Adoption after remarriage, Adoption of a family member, Adoption of a disadvantaged child.
              3. Health and Safety
                1. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
                  1. The sudden, unexpected death of a baby as it sleeps.
                    1. ALWAYS...
                      1. Put a baby on their back
                        1. Use a firm mattress
                          1. Ensure the room is 16-18 degrees
                            1. Tuck covers in well below the baby's shoulders
                              1. Breastfeed if possible
                              2. You can reduce the risk by keeping the baby in the parents' room at night for the fist 6 months.
                            2. Nutrition and Health
                              1. Weaning
                                1. Stage 1 (6 months)
                                  1. Give pureed veg/fruit, baby rice, milk=most important food still.
                                    1. When?
                                      1. A very tiny amount during or after a milk feed to start the transition of milk to solids
                                  2. Stage 2 (7-9 months)
                                    1. Increase variety, pureed meat, fish, lentils, beans, wheat based foods.
                                      1. Offer some finger food and give babies a spoon so they can try to feed themselves.
                                        1. When?
                                          1. At the end of a milk feed to introduce other foods when the child is hungry
                                      2. Stage 3 (9-12 months)
                                        1. Cow's milk safely drank (12m), introduce lumpier foods eg pasta, pieces of meat, cheese, bread. Additional fluids eg unsweetened dilluted fruit juics & water. 3 regular meals as well as drinks.
                                          1. When?
                                            1. At mealtimes with the rest of the family to encourage independence.
                                    2. Birth and Post-natal care
                                      1. Stages of Labout
                                        1. Stage 1
                                          1. Contractions make your cervix gradually open up (dilate)- longest stage
                                          2. Stage 2
                                            1. Contractions more frequent & stronger, cervix is fully open & you begin crowning then full birth. Part of labour where you help baby move through vagina by pushing during contractions
                                            2. Stage 3
                                              1. After birth, womb contracts & causes placenta to come out through the vagina
                                          3. Areas Of Development
                                            1. Physical
                                              1. Gross motor Skills
                                                1. The use and control of large muscles eg walking.
                                                2. Fine Motor Skills
                                                  1. The control and use of hands/fingers eg painting
                                                    1. 9 months- can use finger and thumb to grasp an object (inferior pincer grasp)
                                                    2. Motor development relates to the body
                                                      1. Sensory development relates to sign, hearing, touch,taste and smell.
                                                      2. Intellectual
                                                        1. The development of the mind/brain.
                                                          1. Pre-lingustic
                                                            1. Linguistic
                                                            2. Emotional
                                                              1. Newborn- uses body to express emotion
                                                                1. 6 months- Separation anxiety begins, baby distressed if the main carer isn't there
                                                                2. Social
                                                                  1. 12 months- understands basic commands
                                                                  2. Types of Play
                                                                    1. Creative; use of imagination, eg dancing
                                                                      1. Imaginative; made up games and scenarios
                                                                        1. Physcial; the body is used in an active way, riding a bike
                                                                          1. Manipulative; develops hand-eye Coordination and fine motor skills eg jigsaw.
                                                                            1. Social; helps child lean to share.
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