Teaching strategies for effective learning (1)


Mind Map on Teaching strategies for effective learning (1), created by bsms2388 on 11/19/2013.
Mind Map by bsms2388, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bsms2388 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Teaching strategies for effective learning (1)
  1. to apply understanding of education to improving teaching practices issues must be adressed
    1. defining goals and structure
      1. using appropriate teaching strategies
        1. assesing students
          1. evaluating teaching
            1. educational development & accountability
            2. problems with current methods
              1. good teaching encourages students to relate to subject matter in purposful way
                1. encourage deep learning
                  1. hard
                    1. help students become aware of conceptions, highlight inconsistancies in learner conceptions, focus on the central issues most problematic to student, integrate knowing how with knowing what,
                      1. teacher must be able to reflect
                      2. discourage surface approach
                        1. often hard in context of institution
                          1. avoid excessive workload and time pressure, dont set assesement which test recall, give value to any attempt at understanding, avoid any cynical comments
                        2. good teaching
                          1. intensive student interaction with content, clear curriculum, engagement of interest, cooperative, responsible choice, lecturer concern for students, teachers commitment
                        3. teaching methods
                          1. involve students in actively finding knowledge, interpreting results and hypothesis testing
                          2. Problems with lectures
                            1. normally prominant teaching method
                              1. Argued that they transmit information at relatively low cost
                                1. get info into students short term memory, better when inc arousal
                                  1. when knowing is seen as an inc in information
                                  2. no more economical than some other methods
                                    1. no more effective at conveying information
                                      1. ground may be covered by lecturer but this doesnt mean it is by the student
                                        1. students often complain about poor structuring, overloading and confusion
                                          1. students usually passive
                                            1. Why we continue to use them
                                              1. unaware of alternatives
                                                1. work with underdeveloped theories of teaching
                                                  1. enjoy sense of power
                                                    1. what students expect
                                                    2. shouldnt get rid of lectures but should do them well and less, combining with other methods
                                                    3. problems with small group
                                                      1. <30 student, participation expected
                                                        1. normally used to supplement lecturing
                                                          1. often delegated
                                                            1. difficulties
                                                              1. teacher gives another lecture and does not allow for dialogue
                                                                1. teacher talks too much
                                                                  1. students wont talk enough
                                                                    1. students not prepared
                                                                      1. one student dominates
                                                                        1. students want solutions given
                                                                        2. seminar types
                                                                          1. related directly to course of lecture
                                                                            1. students embarassed to say they have not uncerstood
                                                                            2. one student reads a paper
                                                                              1. this student embarassed and others see it as not their problem
                                                                          2. problems with computer and media
                                                                            1. failure to articulate principles for designing teaching methods effectively yet
                                                                              1. used in passive way
                                                                                1. naive technological determinism
                                                                                  1. just present information for memorisation
                                                                                    1. rewards surface learning
                                                                                    2. should be used to create oppertunity for conversation
                                                                                      1. often reduces quality of learning
                                                                                        1. can be used well to allow students to work through in their own prefered way
                                                                                        2. problems with textbooks
                                                                                          1. normally focus on how student can read better but dont check quality of what they are reading
                                                                                            1. hard to distinguish what is important from not
                                                                                              1. excessive workload
                                                                                                1. adopt superficial approach to all
                                                                                                2. if selected then may not be clear to students why they have to read them
                                                                                                  1. language used is often at wrong level making it hard to understand
                                                                                                  2. Problems with practical and clinical work
                                                                                                    1. aims
                                                                                                      1. develop understanding of scientific enquiry
                                                                                                        1. learn relevant skills
                                                                                                          1. learn info
                                                                                                            1. develop capacity for independant problem solving
                                                                                                              1. connections between theory and practical
                                                                                                                1. develop professional attitude
                                                                                                                2. expensive
                                                                                                                  1. can be adressed in different ways
                                                                                                                    1. negitive attitues from students until their final years
                                                                                                                      1. take for granted that students will learn the things they do
                                                                                                                        1. a lot of the work has often already been done by the author
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