
Student: Anyuri Sánchez
Angie Sánchez
Mind Map by Angie Sánchez, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Angie Sánchez
Created by Angie Sánchez about 3 years ago
Angie Sánchez
Copied by Angie Sánchez almost 2 years ago

Resource summary

  1. In the Morning
    1. First, I wake up 7:00 am.
      1. Then, I take a shower.
        1. After that, I get dressed and comb my hair.
          1. Next, I eat my breakfast
            1. Usually, I have a glass of milk and bread.
              1. Afterward, I brush my teeth.
                1. Immediately, I get ready for work.
                  1. And walk to the bus stop.
    2. AT NIGHT
      1. I have a dinner at around 7:30pm.
        1. Also, I watch TV with my family.
          1. After that, I put on my pajamas
            1. Finally, I go to the bed at 10pm.
      2. In the afternoon
        1. I stop for lunch at 1:30 pm
          1. And finish work at 5:00pm
            1. Then, I catch the bus home

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