Pokébase - Developer Environment


Year 11 Digital Technologies Mind Map on Pokébase - Developer Environment, created by Rebbecca Stanley on 14/08/2022.
Rebbecca Stanley
Mind Map by Rebbecca Stanley, updated 7 months ago
Rebbecca Stanley
Created by Rebbecca Stanley over 1 year ago

Resource summary

Pokébase - Developer Environment
  1. Overall user problem
    1. Users must be able to view and search for Pokémon data in a web app.
      1. All Pokémon data is stored in a table that is presented in a web app.
        1. The data should be requested from the provided Excel workbook and sent to the HTML to be displayed on the web app.
    2. Languages used in the app
      1. Front-end
        1. HTML: create structure of page and database table
          1. Use <table> tag to create empty table. Use "<form action="{{ url_for('add') }}" method="post">" for getting the database data and posting it to the HTML.
          2. CSS: used to style the page aesthetically and implement the elements and principles of visual communication and colour palettes
            1. Use code like: "ul { position: static; list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 20px;" to style the menu bar and the rest of the webpage.
            2. JavaScript: to add functionality to the webpage (the user can actual use the search bar to look for Pokémon).
              1. Use code like: "function myFunction() { var input, filter, ul, li, a, i, txtValue; input = document.getElementById("myInput"); filter = input.value.toUpperCase();..." for the search bar
            3. Back-end
              1. SQL: a database table that stores all of the Pokémon data and can be accessed through HTML GET requests
                1. Use code like: "CREATE TABLE Persons ( PersonID int, LastName varchar(255), FirstName varchar(255), Address varchar(255), City varchar(255) );..." for inserting Pokémon data into a table (Source: W3Schools)
            4. DBMS
              1. DBMS: Database Management Systems, which serves as an interface between users and the database; allowing the completion of CRUD applications.
                1. CRUD
                  1. Create, Update and Delete: there will be no creation, update, or deletion of data in this database, as the user entity can only view the information about the Pokémon in a table and search.
                    1. Read: the user is able to view all Pokémon data that is transmitted to the HTML file, and find specific Pokémon data using search queries that translate to SQL functions (like "SELECT * WHERE...")
                    2. Systems
                      1. SQL programs, such as MySQL or SQLite will be used to store the data and control the access and addition of data.
                  2. Code Libraries
                    1. External source: Web app must draw the provided data from the pokemon.csv workbook.
                      1. Provided from resources on QLearn website.
                      2. Data: the web app must showcase all of the Pokémon characteristics and information, not just the name and image.
                        1. These characteristics can include type, ID, speed and generation (plus more).
                          1. There would need to be two types of characteristics: one set that can be viewed on the main table page, and the rest that will be viewed when the user clicks on the Pokémon and is taken to the more in-depth Pokémon page.
                      3. External programmed components the solution will rely on
                        1. No external components, like mechanics or robotics, but if the website/business was to become more successful, it is possible a server could be used to store the data.
                          1. The database tables would be stored on disks or in dedicated servers
                            1. It is possible that a server may not be required, due to the users not needing to sign up to access this public information, meaning there is only one table in this database; the Pokémon data table. If this web app went public, another location for it to be stored and accessed globally would be needed, though.
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