Acute Asthma Exacerbation


Mind Map on Acute Asthma Exacerbation, created by drichdigitalgirl on 11/10/2015.
Mind Map by drichdigitalgirl, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by rlball3 over 8 years ago
Copied by drichdigitalgirl over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Acute Asthma Exacerbation
  1. Pathophysiology
    1. Allergen
      1. IgE production
        1. Mast cells degranulation
          1. Release of histamine, bradykinies, leukotrienes, prostaglandin, platelet activating factor
            1. Vasodilation of capillaries
              1. Mucosal edema
              2. Bronchoconstriction
                1. Mucous secretion
                  1. Mucosal inflammation
                    1. Airway obstruction
                      1. Activation of lung receptors triggering hyperventilation
                        1. PaCO2 decrease, pH increases
                          1. Respiratory alkalosis
                          2. No change in PaCO2
                            1. Air trapping increases the pressure and decreases the perfusion in alveoli
                              1. Ventilation decreases
                                1. PaCO2 increases, pH decreases
                                  1. Respiratory acidosis
            2. Treatment
              1. Bronchodilators
                1. Oxygen/ Ventilator
                  1. Steroids
                    1. Antihistamines
                    2. Clinical Presentation
                      1. Chest tightness
                        1. Coughing
                          1. Dyspnea
                            1. Wheezing
                              1. Respiratory distress
                              2. Diagnosis
                                1. Blood work
                                  1. Arterial blood gases
                                    1. Pulmonary function test
                                      1. EKG
                                      2. Epidemiology
                                        1. 11 million people have asthma with exacerbation each year in the US
                                          1. 180,000 deaths annually are attributed to asthma worldwide
                                            1. Most asthma deaths occur in ages over 45 years old
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