Middle Ages: St. Anselm, St. Thomas, Islam, Mysticism


Eduardo Mendoza
Mind Map by Eduardo Mendoza, updated more than 1 year ago
Eduardo Mendoza
Created by Eduardo Mendoza almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Middle Ages: St. Anselm, St. Thomas, Islam, Mysticism
  1. Western Europe
    1. XV Century
      1. New revelation
        1. God
          1. Human form
        2. Fatih=
          1. Knowledge
        3. Tertuliano
          1. "Reason is absurd then the only path to follow is faith since it will lead us to salvation"
          2. Justin Martyr
            1. Christian philosopher
              1. “Philosophy is like a being on multiple heads and multiple truths, therefore it has less truth since often these truths are opposed to each other”
                1. Reason
                  1. God's existence
                2. John Scottus Eriugena
                  1. Negative way
                    1. Faith and reason
                      1. Complementary
                      2. World=
                        1. Nature
                      3. Peter Damian
                        1. 1st philosopher
                          1. The Devil
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