The Church


Flynn B-Foster
Mind Map by Flynn B-Foster, updated more than 1 year ago
Flynn B-Foster
Created by Flynn B-Foster over 8 years ago

Resource summary

The Church
  1. why does the church have authority?
    1. Christians believe that God continues to speak to them and the worl to this day through the church and prayer
      1. They also believe that the churches around the world are the body's of christ and throgh the church Jesus carrys on acting in our world
        1. They believe that God guides the moral teachings so they should be followed
          1. the leaders of the church have had training meaning that the can intercept gods will and wanting
            1. the teachings show Christians how to behave in situations so everyone knows what the rules are
            2. The Bible
              1. the religious book for christians
                1. used for moral guidance
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