P1 Heating houses


Science (Physics ) Mind Map on P1 Heating houses, created by saadiecook on 11/30/2013.
Mind Map by saadiecook, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by saadiecook about 11 years ago

Resource summary

P1 Heating houses
  1. Energy flow
    1. Energy in the form of heat flows from a warmer to a colder body.
      1. When energy flows away from a warm object the temperature of that object decreases
      2. Measuring temperature
        1. A thermogram uses colour to show temperature: hottest areas are white/yellow, coldest ares are black/dark/purple/blue
          1. Heat is a measurement of internal energy. It is measured on an absolute scale
          2. Specific heat capacity
            1. All substances have a property called specific heat capacity which is; the energy needed to raise the temperature and measured in joules per kilogram
              1. When an object is heated and its temperature rises energy is transferred
                1. Energy transferred = mass x specific heat capacity x temperature change
                2. Specific latent heat
                  1. It is the energy needed to melt or boil 1kg of the material and measured in joule per kg and differs for different materials and each of the changes of state
                    1. When an object is heated and it changes state energy is transferred but the temperature remains constant
                      1. Energy transferred = mess x specific latent heat
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