animatronic system


Paddy Furlong
Mind Map by Paddy Furlong, updated more than 1 year ago
Paddy Furlong
Created by Paddy Furlong over 8 years ago

Resource summary

animatronic system


  • thgrrg s
  1. animals
    1. moving tail
      1. eyes/mouth
        1. walk/talk
          1. specific function
          2. materials
            1. aluminium
              1. aluminum sheets
                1. box aluminium
                  1. bars
                  2. plastics
                    1. nylon
                      1. acrylic
                        1. polyurethane
                        2. wood
                          1. hardwood
                            1. softwood
                            2. manmade boards
                          2. themes
                            1. halloween
                              1. christmas
                                1. easter
                                  1. humour
                                    1. global warming
                                      1. movies
                                        1. special effects
                                          1. jaws
                                            1. garfield
                                              1. e.t
                                            2. advertising
                                              1. movie display
                                                1. product/item
                                                  1. santa in window
                                                    1. pet shop
                                                    2. mechanisms
                                                      1. rack and pinion
                                                        1. crank and slider
                                                          1. cam and follower
                                                            1. ratchet and paul
                                                            2. motors
                                                              1. seervo motors
                                                                1. dc motors
                                                                  1. ac motors
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