Unit 11


Michelle Cruz4299
Mind Map by Michelle Cruz4299, updated more than 1 year ago
Michelle Cruz4299
Created by Michelle Cruz4299 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Unit 11
  1. Passive of present continuous and present perfect
    1. Use the active form of a verb to focus on the "doer" or cause of the action
      1. Example: Companies are recruiting workers overseas
      2. Use the passive form to focus on the "receiver" of the action
        1. Example: worked are being recruited overseas
      3. Linking ideas
        1. Contrast: Although /Even though
          1. Reason: because of / as a result of / due to
            1. purpose: (in order) to / so (that)
              1. Alternative: instead of / instead of
        2. Vocabulary
          1. Drought,air pollution,a landfill,toxic chemicals,natural resources, water consumption
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