Element of the Novel


2 twins one smart and one athletic and the challenges they encounter
Mind Map by bruce.moore, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bruce.moore over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Element of the Novel
  1. Setting
    1. Time: present
      1. Place: The middle school
      2. Characters
        1. Russle
          1. Very smart
            1. dislikes sports at first
            2. Owen
              1. Athletic
                1. envies his brother
                2. Mom
                  1. Wants her sons to get along
                    1. Is proud of her kids no matter what they do
                    2. Dad
                      1. wants both of his sons to play basketball
                        1. Likes competition
                      2. Title Athlete vs Mathlete
                        1. Author W.C. Mack
                        2. Main Conflit
                          1. Conflict: Russell has to go to basketball tryouts even though he stinks at basketball
                            1. Cause: The basketball couch thinks Russell will be good at basketball because he is so tall so he makes him tryout
                          2. Theme
                            1. Message: things work out better when you get along with each other
                              1. How brought out in book: At first Owen does not like Russell being good at the sam thing as him but when he accepts that Russell is just as good as him the basketball team is better than ever!
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