Types Of Computers


Mind Map on Types Of Computers, created by Yong Wan Lim on 03/12/2015.
Yong Wan Lim
Mind Map by Yong Wan Lim, updated more than 1 year ago
Yong Wan Lim
Created by Yong Wan Lim almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Types Of Computers
  1. Supercomputers
    1. -the fastest and most expensive computers in the world.
      1. -cost over a hundred million pounds to build and very few organisations can afford to purchase one.
        1. used by governments such as the military, security services and the weather office etc
          1. they generate so much heat that they need to be housed in specifically designed rooms with environmental controls and air conditioning systems.
          2. Mainframe Computers
            1. -are large, powerful computers that can carry out many different tasks for many different people at the same time.
              1. slower than a supercomputer but they are far less expensive. They may cost around 4 million pounds to purchase.
                1. can execute billions of instructions per second and can process large amounts of data simultaneously.
                  1. usually connected to a large number of peripherals e.g. printers, terminals, disk drives etc.
                    1. Used in banks , airlines , police , insurances companies etc
                    2. Personal Computers
                      1. Modern PCs are very powerful and are now relatively inexpensive. You will find very similar machines both in the home and office environments.
                        1. PCs can carry out millions of calculations per second and can store large amounts of data - typically anything from 120GB to 1TB.
                          1. Personal computers tend to be set up and left in one place, they are not intended to be mobile or carried around with you.
                            1. Useful in editing videos , creating musics/videos , Accessing the Internet for research , designing etc
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