Miss Brill (Katherine Mansfield)


Mind Map on Miss Brill (Katherine Mansfield), created by Elena Dong on 04/09/2013.
Elena Dong
Mind Map by Elena Dong, updated more than 1 year ago
Elena Dong
Created by Elena Dong almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Miss Brill (Katherine Mansfield)
  1. Miss
    1. Title of respect for an unmarked woman
      1. Girl
        1. To fail to hit, do, meet, catch, etc.
          1. To regret the absence of
            1. To escape or avoid
              1. OLD ENGLISH: "maegester" one having control or
                1. Origin German: missjan - to go wrong
                  1. Latin: "magister", chief, head, director or teacher
                  2. Brill
                    1. European flatfish, SCophthalmus rhombus, closely related to the turbot
                      1. bryth-speckled
                        1. Excellent or wonderful
                          1. Ability to match its color to its surranding
                            1. Brilliant
                              1. Briller (French)
                                1. To shine
                                2. Latin: Berillaire, from Berillus - beryl - precious stone - hard lustrous mineral
                              2. Miss Brill
                                1. Lonely
                                  1. Great depression/ depressed
                                    1. Wants to be missed
                                      1. Imagined
                                        1. Regular/ routine
                                          1. Masked happiness
                                            1. But does not know anyone
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