Antiinfective Drugs


(DHYG 325- Pharmacology) Mind Map on Antiinfective Drugs , created by fandrickb2 on 05/12/2013.
Mind Map by fandrickb2, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by fandrickb2 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Antiinfective Drugs
  1. Bacteriocidal
    1. Drugs that interfere with the cell wall
      1. Penecillins, cephalosporins, bacitracin
        1. Penicillins
          1. Gram + cocci
            1. Penicillinase resistant: enzyme produced by staphylococci making it microbe resistant.
            2. Extended spectrum g+/-: e coli, H influenzae, proteus mirabilis
              1. ampicillin, amoxocillin: claculanic acid is penicillinase resistant.
            3. Cephalosporins: spectrum varies w each generation + to more -
              1. 10% cross hypersensitivity w penicillin
          2. Drugs that interfere with the cell membrane
            1. antifungals: nystatin, ketoconazole, clotrimazole
          3. Bacteriostatic
            1. drugs that interfere with protein synthesis:
              1. metronidazole, tetracyclines, clindamycin, erythromycin
                1. Tetracyclines: broad spectrum (gram +/-)
                  1. bind to calcium: bad for pregnat/breastfeeding women
                    1. ADR: GI upset, stomatitis, superinfection, photosensitivity, enamel hypoplasia,tooth staining
                    2. Macrolides: gram + microbes
                      1. used in ppl w penicillin allergies (clarithromycin & azithromycin common in dentistry)
                        1. ADR: GI upset , stomatitis, candidiasis
                          1. Interactions: eryth: bronchodialator (inc theophylline levels), inc. warfarin effect, dec. Birth control pill effect
                          2. Metronidazole: inhibits PRO synthesis (not normal)
                            1. perio anaerobic infections: NUG/NUP
                              1. avoid alcohol (food, drink, rinses)
                      2. Antifolates
                        1. drugs that interfere with nucleic acid synthesis
                          1. sulfa, quinalones (ciprofloxacin & norfloxacin), & antiTB drugs (rifampin & isoniazid)
                            1. Fluoroquinolones: affect bacterial DNA
                              1. avoid elecive dental Tx if TB+
                                1. Dr consult to confirm liver function
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