Energy Matters


Energy matters, planning mind map
ciara cullen
Mind Map by ciara cullen, updated more than 1 year ago
ciara cullen
Created by ciara cullen over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Energy Matters
  1. Film Theme
    1. Action Film
      1. Energy Stolen
        1. During event
        2. Effects the world
          1. Quest
            1. Danger
              1. multiple secondary characters
              2. 1 Main character
              3. Documentary
                1. What would happen
                  1. Long (ish) documentry
                  2. Why it would happen
                    1. After Event
                    2. When it would happen
                      1. Who it would effect
                        1. No main character
                        2. Narrated
                        3. Horror Film
                          1. Jumpscares
                            1. killing 'virus'
                            2. Scary
                              1. Mindgames
                                1. Death
                                  1. A few main characters
                                  2. Some gore
                                2. Main plots
                                  1. Action Film
                                    1. main character is a lonely business man
                                      1. Takes away energy
                                        1. The character would slowly waste away as the movie progresses
                                        2. becomes evil
                                          1. You watch the character become a villan
                                            1. Would become drunk on power
                                            2. World tries to fight back
                                            3. Horror Film
                                              1. Main characters on holiday
                                                1. energy cuts out letting out virus
                                                  1. Trying to survive
                                                  2. Main killer responsible for cut out
                                                    1. Only see the main character once
                                                    2. Main characters get killed off
                                                      1. Different setting
                                                      2. Different deaths
                                                        1. Could be slow, or quick
                                                        2. 3 Main characters
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