The Rapoports


A Levels Sociology (Family and Households) Mind Map on The Rapoports, created by dottydiva96 on 11/12/2013.
Mind Map by dottydiva96, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by dottydiva96 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Rapoports
  1. Believe in five types of family diversity
    1. Diversity is essential
      1. Britain has adopted a pluralist approach to families
        1. Family diversity represents greater freedom of choice and widespread acceptance of different cultures and ways of life
          1. Diversity is a response to different needs and wishes
            1. Organisational diversity
              1. Differences in ways family roles are organised
                1. E.g. Joint conjugal roles, segregated conjugal roles, dual-wage earners
                2. Cultural diversity
                  1. Different ultural, religious and ethnic groups have different family structures
                    1. e.g. African-Caribbean families - matrilineal
                    2. Social diversity
                      1. Differences in structure partly the result of income differences between households of different classes
                        1. Class differences in child-rearing
                        2. Life-stage diversity
                          1. e.g. newly-weds, children (NF), widowed (single-person household)
                          2. Generational diversity
                            1. Different attitudes and experiences in generations
                              1. e.g. Cohabitation viewed as unacceptable by 60+ but not by 20-30's
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