Introduction to Computer Networking


Mind Map on Introduction to Computer Networking, created by Gage McCoy on 12/14/2013.
Gage McCoy
Mind Map by Gage McCoy, updated more than 1 year ago
Gage McCoy
Created by Gage McCoy about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Introduction to Computer Networking
  1. 1.Defining a Network with User Applications
    1. 1.1.An Informal General Definition of a Computer Network
      1. 1.1.1. A Computer Network is the stuff that works together (and so on), and Computer networking is the process of the stuff working together (and so on).
      2. 1.2.Email
        1. 1.2.2. Sending Email: Sender's Computer Perspective
          1. First, Applications store and process data (bits and bytes).
            1. Second, Email apps use some kind of character set to represent the text.
              1. Third, Email apps use email addresses.
                1. Finally, email apps work with other parts of the computing device to send the email.
                2. 1.2.3. Sending Email: Networks Perspective
                  1. To make the email process work, the network must include email servers
                  2. 1.2.1. Email (Electronic Mail), acts like sending letters through the postal service.
                  3. 1.3.Voice Telephone Calls
                    1. 1.3.1. A Voice call is a Telephone Call
                      1. 1.3.2. Early Analog Voice Calls
                        1. Electrical Circuit
                          1. Sound Waves
                            1. Analogous Electrical Waves
                            2. 1.3.3.Digital Voice Calls
                              1. Sound Waves
                                1. Analog
                                  1. Digital
                                    1. Analog
                                      1. Sound Waves
                                      2. 1.3.4. End-to-End Digital Voice with Business and Mobile Phones
                                      3. 1.4. Recorded Video
                                        1. 1.4.1 Digital Video Recordings
                                          1. 1.4.2. Video Files
                                            1. A Video file is filled with video frames or a picture.
                                            2. 1.4.3. Video Compression
                                              1. Video Compression is taking a video and storing it as a smaller video file.
                                            3. 1.5. Refining the Definition of a Network
                                              1. 1.5.1 The devices that the user uses work with other devices together to send bits.
                                            4. 2.A Deeper Look at One Application: World Wide Web
                                              1. 2.1. The World Wide Web (WWW or simply the Web ) particularly web browser software with which users access the web.
                                                1. 2.2. Web Browsers (Web Clients)
                                                  1. 2.2.2. Using Web Addesses (URLs)
                                                    1. Web addresses identify the specific web page that the user wants to display.
                                                    2. 2.2.1. Components on the Client Computer
                                                    3. 2.3. Web Servers
                                                      1. 2.3.1. Web servers store information and data that the user wants to see, hear, collecting that information into web pages.
                                                        1. 2.3.2. Web Server Hardware and Software
                                                          1. 2.3.3. Web Sites, Pages, and Objects
                                                            1. web page refers to a collection of content that web browsers display in a single browser window at one point in time.
                                                          2. 2.4. The Process to Get One Web Page
                                                            1. 2.4.1. A Protocol Primer
                                                              1. A Protocol is a set of rules.
                                                              2. 2.4.3.Getting All the Files for a Web Page
                                                                1. 2.4.2. Using HTTP to Get the First File for a Web Page
                                                                  1. HTTP or Hypertext Transfer Protocol defines the rules by which a web browser can ask for a web server, and the rules a web server uses to send the web page back to the web browser.
                                                                2. 2.4.4. Refining the Definition of a Network
                                                                3. 3.Uncovering the Network Between the Application Endpoints
                                                                  1. 3.1. Comparing Computer Networks to Road Systmes
                                                                    1. 3.1.1. Creating a Road (Link) Between Two Places ( Devices)
                                                                      1. 3.1.2. Sharing Roads (Links) Between Towns (Sites)
                                                                        1. 3.1.3. Networking Topologies with Links and Nodes
                                                                          1. Link refers to any cable between two devices.
                                                                            1. Node refers to any device.
                                                                          2. 3.2. Small Lab Networks
                                                                            1. 3.3. Home Networks
                                                                              1. 3.4. SMB and Enterprise Networks
                                                                                1. 3.5. The Internet. The internet is simply interconnected networks.
                                                                                  1. 3.6. Refining the Definition of a Network One More Time.
                                                                                    1. 3.6.1. Computer networking is a world with many components, both small and large, and the challenge and joy of working with networking is to discover how all the peices fit and worlk together.
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