Data Mining Process


Bsc Hons Data Mining Mind Map on Data Mining Process, created by Steve Hiscock on 12/15/2013.
Steve Hiscock
Mind Map by Steve Hiscock, updated more than 1 year ago
Steve Hiscock
Created by Steve Hiscock about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Data Mining Process
  1. Data Mining Task Types


    1. 5 Stages
      1. Data Pre-processing - Cleaning up the data
        1. EDA - Investigate the data with visualisation (To decided what to do in the KDD)
          1. Data Selection - Selecting what you want to mine
            1. KDD - The mining part
              1. Output - The results of the mining
              2. Method 2 - Virtuous Cycle - Berry & Linoff 1997
                1. 1. identifying the problem
                  1. 2. analysing the data
                    1. 3, Taking action
                      1. 4. Measuring the outcome
                        1. VERY SIMPLE
                        2. SEMMA - Cycle
                          1. Sample - Data Picking
                            1. Explore - EDA
                              1. Modify - Data Pre-processing
                                1. Model - KDD - Regression, Classification and neural networks
                                  1. Assess - Graphs and Reports. Is the output useful?
                                    1. FOCUS ON THE PROCESS OF DM
                                    2. CRISP-DM
                                      1. Includes the business objectives
                                        1. How the data is deployed into the business
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                                      Model Roles
                                      Steve Hiscock
                                      Data Mining Tasks
                                      Steve Hiscock
                                      Distribution Types
                                      Steve Hiscock
                                      Data Mining part 2
                                      Kim Graff