Cultural Influences on gener role


A-Level A2 Psychology Mind Map on Cultural Influences on gener role, created by ayisha.jabbar on 15/12/2013.
Mind Map by ayisha.jabbar, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ayisha.jabbar over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Cultural Influences on gener role
  1. The study of cultural influences on gender roles helped us increase our understanding of the relative contributions of biology and socialisation.
    1. Cultural Similarities and Differences
      1. Cultural Differences: Magnitude of sex differences
        1. Despite similarities between cultures, there are also some significant variations, described as cultural relativism by Mead, e.g. Berry et al (2002) looked at male superiority on spatial perceptual tasks, in 17 societies and found that this superiority is only found in tightly knit societies, and are absent in nomadic societies. This shows that sex differences on spatial perceptual tasks interact with ecological and cultural factors.
          1. The same pattern is shown in conformity. Across cultures there is a general consensus that women are more conformist than men. However even this varies considerably with culture e.g. Berry et al reported that conformity is highest in sedentary societies, with a correlation between this sex difference and an ecocultural index of +78.
            1. Evaluation
              1. Spatial perception; evidence suggests that the magnitude of sex differences is linked to culture and ecology, e.g. magnitude of male superiority on spatial tasks was highest in tight sedentary societies. In such societies division of labour is greatest as women stay home while the men go out an hunt, whereas in nomadic societies both men and women go to hunt and there is less division of labour (Van Leeuwen 1978). Where there is strong division of labour men will be given practise from early childhood in skills related to hunting. This explains the magnitude of differences across different cultures.
                1. Kimura (1999) offers an alternative biological explanation suggesting that those males with poor hunting skills (spatial perception) are likely to die thus eliminating such genes from the gene pool. This would explain why in societies where both men and women hunt (nomadic) there would be less gender difference in spatial abilities.
                2. Conformity; in societies where women contribute a lot to food accumulation (nomadic societies) women are highly valued, allowed more freedom and seen less as a sex object for men (Schlegel and Barry 1986). This means that women occupy a higher position within the social group and therefore have more power and less need to conform to the demands of the powerful members of society.
              2. Cultural Similarities
                1. Cross-cultural of gender show that every society has some of labour and behaviour based on gender (Munroe and Munroe 1975) e.g. cooking and caring for children is done by females in most societies and sometimes it is shared but it's never fully the responsibly the male. Girls are socialised more towards compliance and boys are raised more for assertiveness.
                  1. Evaluation; the fact that labour divisions are similar in all cultures suggests that biology rather than culture explains the development of gender roles, but it is not known if this division is the outcome of biological differences (as suggested by Eagly and Wood who argued that all cultures shape their socialisation processes along the lines of inborn biological tendencies). There are still some cultures that do not agree with the majority e.g. Japanese men do not want to macho like American men instead they prefer to be skilled in arts (something that is seen as being feline).
                    1. Three major studies that have shown cultural similarities in gender roles are; Mead's classic study in three primitive societies, Williams and Best's study conducted in 27 countries and Buss' (1989) analysis of 37 cultural groups.
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