Introduction to Play


1 Play-based Learning (introduction to play) Mind Map on Introduction to Play, created by Charlie A on 04/02/2016.
Charlie A
Mind Map by Charlie A, updated more than 1 year ago
Charlie A
Created by Charlie A over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Introduction to Play
  1. What is play?
    1. no one definition
      1. personal definition via experiences and education; subjective
        1. freely-chosen
          1. process-oriented
            1. involves creativity & imagination
              1. children's work
                1. where every child can be successful
                  1. involves active participation
                  2. UNCRC
                    1. Article 31: Every child has the right to play & rest
                    2. Societal Issues
                      1. childhood obesity
                        1. poor diet & lack of exercise
                        2. outdoor play
                          1. concern for safety
                            1. physical
                              1. weather
                                1. injury
                                  1. urban setting
                                  2. emotional
                                    1. bullying
                                    2. stranger danger
                                  3. culture
                                    1. consumerism
                                      1. poverty
                                        1. technology
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