The German Revolution (1918)


Mind Map on The German Revolution (1918), created by Jaden Haynes on 12/16/2013.
Jaden Haynes
Mind Map by Jaden Haynes, updated more than 1 year ago
Jaden Haynes
Created by Jaden Haynes about 11 years ago

Resource summary

The German Revolution (1918)
    1. First World War (Faliure and Hardship)
      1. Russian Revolution
        1. Showed Germany how to do an effective revolution.
          1. Russia had pulled off an effective revolution on the leader Tsar, and Germany wanted a similar revolution
      2. EVENTS
        1. Kiel Mutiny 29 October
          1. 40,000 sailors refusing to take orders at Kiel.
            1. sparked similar protests in surrounding states.
          2. Role of Einser
            1. 7 November
              1. Thousands of workers, led by Kurt Einser, marched into Munich.
                1. Next day, Einser set up a peasants' council, and declared Bavaria a peoples' state
                  1. King Ludwig III (local ruler) fled for his life, along with other royals who feared a similar revolt.
              2. Abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm
                1. 9 November Wilhelm agreed to abdicate and fled to Holland, Ebert became new chancellor.
              3. CONSEQUENCES
                1. Armistice
                  1. 11 November
                    1. Germany withdrew from all land won in war.
                      1. Germany pulled back its troops 30miles from the border with France.
                        1. Navy put under allied control.
                        2. Weimar Republic
                          1. By mid 1919, Ebert's new Germany was getting used to him, and in the town of Weimar, new rules were made for Germany.
                            1. Germany initially hated all from the armistice. 1918-19 was difficult.
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