Main Issues of the First Parliament


History AS (Crown, Parliament and Authority) (James I) Mind Map on Main Issues of the First Parliament, created by Katie Difford on 12/04/2013.
Katie Difford
Mind Map by Katie Difford, updated more than 1 year ago
Katie Difford
Created by Katie Difford about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Main Issues of the First Parliament
  1. Free Elections to Parliament
    1. Raised the issue of Sir Francis Goodwin
      1. King could exclude certain people from becoming members
        1. King could pack parliament using agents
          1. Sheriffs could not be candidates
            1. Not being manipulated by the crown
            2. Free Speech for MPs
              1. Necessary for giving sound advice to the crown
                1. Easy for the King to perceive parliament as talking about the Royal Prerogative
                  1. Financial issues at stake
                    1. Foreign policy
                    2. Freedom from Arrest
                      1. Arrest was the logical outcome of speaking out in parliament
                        1. No parliament challenged the King's authority
                          1. King was reminded that he was not in absolute power of religion
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