Ethnic differences in family patterns


A Levels Sociology (Family and Households) Mind Map on Ethnic differences in family patterns, created by dottydiva96 on 04/01/2014.
Mind Map by dottydiva96, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by dottydiva96 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Ethnic differences in family patterns
  1. Greater ethnic diversity due to immigration
    1. Black families
      1. Higher proportion of lone-parent families
        1. High rate of female-headed lone-parent black families
          1. Matrifocal families
            1. A matrifocal family structure is one where mothers head families and fathers play a less important role in the home and in bringing up children
          2. High unemployment and poverty in black males
            1. Unable to support family
            2. Mirza argues that Black women favour independence
            3. Asian families
              1. Bangladeshi, Pakistani and Indian households on average larger
                1. Sometimes three-generational
                  1. Beanpole families
                    1. Extended families
                      1. Most are nuclear
                      2. Family lives nearby
                        1. No longer practical to have many household members
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