Competitive markets and how they work


economics (F581: Markets in action) Mind Map on Competitive markets and how they work, created by raid001 on 04/14/2013.
Mind Map by raid001, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by raid001 almost 12 years ago

Resource summary

Competitive markets and how they work
  1. Demand: the quantity of goods and services that consumers are willing and able to buy at a given price level
    1. Non price determinants= Subsitutues/complements, Population, Income, Taste/preference, Expected future prices
      1. Change in price determinants cause movement along demand curve
        1. Change in NPD cause a shift in the demand curve
          1. Consumer surplus: the diff between the pirce that consumers are willing to pay and the actual price paid
          2. Supply: the quantity of a product that producers are willing and able to provide at a given price level over a period of time
            1. Non price determinant=Subsides/tax, Cost of input, Expected future prices, No of firms, Technology
              1. Change in NPD cause a shift in supply curve
                1. Change in cost causes a movement along the curve
                  1. Producer surplus: the diff between the price a producer is willing to accept and the price that is actually paid
                  2. Market equilibrium: the level of output where supply = demand
                    1. changing demand and supply means that the position of equilibrium changes
                      1. Disequilibrium: demand and supply are not equal- eg surplus and shortage
                      2. Elasticity
                        1. price elasticity of demand:the responsiveness of a change in demand to a %change in price
                          1. %change in QD / %change in price
                            1. factors affecting: price, avalability, substitutes, income, time(to react)
                            2. income elasticitiy of demand:the responsiveness of demand to a %change in price
                              1. %change in QD / %change in income
                                1. positive=normal, negative=inferior, high positive=luxury
                                2. cross elasticity of demand:the responsiveness of demand for 1 product in relation to change in price of another
                                  1. %change in demand for good a / %change in demand for good b
                                    1. if positive=substitutes, if negative=complements
                                    2. price elasticity of supply:responsiveness of producers of a particular good to change in price of another good
                                      1. %change of QS / %change in price
                                        1. factors affecting=amount of time, unused capacity, ability to store stocks
                                      2. Allocative efficiency:where customer satisfaction is maximised and resources are best used to benefit customers
                                        1. competitive markets dont always lead to allocative efficiency as there is often under/over supply in the market
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