Muscle Fibres


A Levels Physical Education (Physiology And Anatomy) Mind Map on Muscle Fibres, created by danny-hudson97 on 01/07/2014.
Mind Map by danny-hudson97, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by danny-hudson97 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Muscle Fibres
  1. Muscles are made from thousands of muscles fibres which are bound together by connective tissue
    1. Each muscle is made from a combination of 2 types of fibres. (Genetics)
      1. 1) Fast twitch (2 types)
        1. Type 2b – Fast Twitch Glycolytic (FTG)
          1. Structure
            1. Capillary density - Low
              1. Myoglobin content – lowest (protein which carries oxygen)
                1. Motor Neuron Size – Large (send messages to contract muscle)
                  1. Colour – White
                    1. Size – Large
                      1. Mitonchondrial density – lowest (where aerobic respiration takes place within cells)
                      2. Functions
                        1. Aerobic capacity - Low
                          1. Fatiguability – Easily Fatigued
                            1. Speed of contraction - Fast
                              1. Force of contraction - High
                                1. Anaerobic capacity - High
                                2. POWER LIFTING SPRINTING
                                3. Type 2a – fast oxidative glycolytic (FOG)
                                  1. Structure
                                    1. Capillary Density – high
                                      1. Colour – White
                                        1. Size – Large
                                          1. Motor Neuron Size – Large (send messages to contract muscle)
                                            1. Mitonchondrial density – low (where aerobic respiration takes place within cells)
                                              1. Myoglobin content – low (protein which carries oxygen)
                                              2. Functions
                                                1. Anaerobic capacity - Medium
                                                  1. Speed of contraction - Fast
                                                    1. Force of contraction - High
                                                      1. Aerobic capacity - Medium Anaerobic
                                                        1. Speed of contraction - Fast
                                                        2. 200M swim 800M run
                                                      2. 2) Slow twitch
                                                        1. Type 1 - Slow Oxidative
                                                          1. Structure
                                                            1. Capillary density – high (blood vessels)
                                                              1. Myoglobin content – high (protein which carries oxygen)
                                                                1. Size of fibre – Small
                                                                  1. Motor Neuron Size – small (send messages to contract muscle)
                                                                    1. Colour – Red
                                                                      1. Mitonchondrial density – high (where aerobic respiration takes place within cells)
                                                                      2. Function
                                                                        1. Anaerobic capacity - Low
                                                                          1. Speed of contraction - Slow
                                                                            1. Fatiguability – Fatigue resistant
                                                                              1. Force of contraction - Low
                                                                                1. Aerobic capacity - High
                                                                                2. MARATHON RUNNING
                                                                              2. Everyone has a different mix of each, some peoples muscles may be made of upto 80-90% of one type
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